
Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mediation dates for QEC have been set for April 17th to 20th.

Additional information including more detail on the process/meetings and remaining demands can be found on the members' information page for QEC employees.

QEC NEU local officers and members may attend the strike preparation courses have been scheduled for the month of February and March (see the education page for more information). Additional dates will be set in the near future for the months of March and April.  

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  • Iqaluit Head Office

    Building #165, Nipisa Street

    PO Box 869

    Iqaluit NU X0A 0H0

    email: reception@neu.ca

    phone: 867.979.4209

    fax: 867.979.4522

    toll free: 877.243.4424

