An Annual General Meeting (AGM) for Nunavut Employees Union (NEU) Local 0005 will be held on Wednesday May 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM (EDT) at the Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) Boardroom (Building 507, Suite 204 Astro Hill Place). Use the door to the left of the main (outside) entrance of the Inuulisautinut Niuvirvik Store.
Local 0005 represents all Government of Nunavut Members working in Iqaluit -except for Nurses (Local 3), Conservation Officers (Local 11) and Social Workers, Specialists and Supervisors working for Family Services (Local 16)
Members who cannot attend in person are invited to join this important meeting via Zoom.
If you are a member of Local 0005 and have not received an email with the Zoom information for this important meeting, please email